Friday, November 19, 2004

ok! ok! i will do it! due to nagging persistance by Wanling.... i shall recall the funni thing that happened to us at Swensons tpy today. lolx!

ok Swensons is officially lousy. i searched Google using 3 different phrase and they only gave me a picture of this guy:

Posted by Hello
does he even LoOk like an ice cream to you??!!
nope. not very appitising either! hey you! Swensons guy! lolx! ok ok

back to my point

so i was at Swensons wif Wanling for her promised treat and we were both very innocently eating our Baked Fish rice, Hawaiian pizza, US fries [not french mind you lolx!] [which tastes disgustingly horrible when it's cold] and flicking our melted Bananasplit at each other's table. Ok. Then we decided our butt is already starting to become part of the sofa so i called for the bill. and it came! and guess what?
This guy comes along with a black book and flips it open at my face. I calmly placed the receipt down on the table while me and Wanling examined it.....
noticing a slight blue ink write a '1' infront of the total amount of '$38-smthing'
therefore making it look like a "$138" which i casually ignored.

i mean... i couldn't have spent 138 at Swensons RITE???!!!

so i took out my $40 and placed it on the black book [i swear to tell the truth and nothing but the whole truth. amen. ok ok so it's not a bible and i'm not in court. back to point] and then the guy said:

"Miss? *threatning pause* it's $138"

i was S-T-U-N-N-E-D.. . . . . . .. . . . . .

me and wanling carefully examined the receipt again. I mean.... my
first thought was:
shit. i so do not have a freaking $100 with me now. do i look like a walking bank?!

my second though:
this is shit! how can i have spent $138 at swensons! eating ice cream and savoury rice [bullshit. it's just normal rice baked]??!! i don't even feel fat yet?! and doesn't he know basic calculations? 9.90 + 9.90 + . .. . . . etc doesn't add up to 138. it's not even NEAR 50. Ok. this is it he's cheating me.

and then it struck me

omg he's CHEATING me...............

so in my horror of actually being in the process of being cheated, i turned to him and said [ok... according to wanling i shouted]
*pause abit. i think he's stunned. laughing nervously*
*ok this is it. he grabs the black book, gives a laugh and runs off*

ArGh!!! *kicking table leg* stupid @#$!@#%!@#%(*@#* wanling said everyone were looking at us. lolx!
how could he even try to cheat two innocent girls flicking disgusing whipped cream on their table?!

I bet this was what he was thinking:

[ will be pretending to write from HIS point of view and therefore 'me' in this case is actually yah. Him]

Aaaahhh.... normal working day at TPY Swensons. excellent. Lemmie check. I think for lunch today i shall convince the manager to allow me to eat 3 Banana splits instead of the usual 2. i mean..... i always cope one more when his back is turned so i might as well make it legal right?
*whistles slightly* approachs boss:
"Ah Boss ah! today.... for lunch why don't you give me 3 banannasplit instead of 2 leh?"

Boss: "Why?! You think i have alot of bananasplit issit?!"

"Aiyah... no lah... but i so guai... everyday listen to you and bring you breakfast every morning!!!"

"Bullshit. You bring breakfast for me??! Inside the box all empty one!"

"Eh but boss. it's the thought that counts right? so how??"

"actually i also wanted to give you extra banannasplit today since they got the orders wrong and sent us one more free one...... but thennnnnn....

*turns to look at a waitress carrying a bananasplit on a black tray and walking towards two uniformed girls sitting by the window. She lifts the bananasplit and places it on the table whereby the two girls starting attacking it. Cherry first followed by the waffer, vallina [i know i spelt wrongly. dun luff!], strawberry and chocolate]. and soon the whole plate is gonesssssssss..... left the residue which is all over the table [hey! but we cleaned up wif tissues!]*

"NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooo!!!! MY BANANASPLIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Sorry. .. . . . . .... . .. . . customers first! Now go back to work!"

*seeeeeettttttiiinnngg wif anger* I must have my revenge!!!! AAAAHHH!!! look! they're calling for bill! i go!

"Hi! can i have the bill please?"

*puts on excellent bright smile... must act friendly first!* " Of course!"

*reaches the counter and prints out the receipt which now lies on the black book* Heeeheheheheeee... now what shall i do??? oh yah... those two girls, look left look right also look dull. cheat them of $100, can go buy myself life time supply of icecreams. YAYA! i'm a genius manzZX!
*picks up pen and scribbles a '1' beside the final number*

"there you go!" *hands black book to girls*

*watches like a hawk as the girl gingerly places $40 on the book* *heeeheeeeheee!!!!!!* "Miss? it's $138"

*girls go into state of shock* "BWAHAHAHAH!!!! Revenge is SWeET! " *imagine fire blasting from his background and his eyes turning red* "I have the power!!!!" "These two girls so tu-tut! the most they'll giggle and hand me their $100 and i can have all the ice cream in the wOrlD!!!!"

*waits expectantly for the $100 to appear*

Suddenly, one of the girls turn around and *plays this at slow-mo* mouths open anddddd a scary roar emerged.....


frightening.... . argh! this enemy is more powerful than mEeee!!!! how? ok ok act calm must not appear frightened. ..... .. .. what's the first action you think of when you're not frightened? *laughing?!* ok ok
Hahahahahahahahah! *nervously of course*


aaahhh!!! i don't like this two girls! *grabs book and runs away*

haha! yupxxx.... that's my day for you. Then later I met Wanru, Huiyen, Huihui and Rae for Singapore Idol! but guess what? it was so full house that we couldn't get in. or rather.... we didn't really try to get in in the end. so we sat in the reception and watched tv. .. . .. hmmm....... oh! and we went Macs. and some stupid gay guy stole HuiHui's EzLink card! Hey you guy! @#($@#(*%!@(!*@#!*@((!**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't get it... why are they linking my censored scolding words? ^


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